Thanks to my mom agreeing to watch the shop for us, Saturday morning bright & early David & headed out on the 3 hour trip to Afton, Va. to check out the Gathering at the Cabin.

We got there shortly after it started & while I had hoped there would be more vendors, we were tickled to be able to visit with dear friend Barbara & her hubby Giles ~ and of course, get my "fix" from her! Since she closed her shop in West Jefferson, I don't get to see her nearly as much as I used to...Here's their booth~F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S as always!

And, after sporadic emails thru the years with Lori of Notforgotten Farm, we finally got to meet! She's just as down-to-earth & cool in person ~ I knew she would be! While it was quite warm ~ heck, HOT! ~ in the mountains Saturday, Lori had the cool spot on the porch~

Now....the MOST exciting part of our weekend~David & I went junkin' Sunday & while I was paying at one of our fave antique shops, this cool~lookin' chic beside me commented on the goodes I had nabbed. So she introduces herself, gives me her card ~ she's the editor-at-large for a magazine ~ and said to shoot her some pics as she'd like to see some of my house...So I tell her I have a shop, too, and long story short, we (Dave & I) said we'd be HAPPY to open the shop anytime this week while they're in town, no biggie after hours or before...Well, Sunday was their only day they could come, so a few hours later, she & her co-worker came by for a visit...They were BOTH very
COOL & both very complimentary of everything ~ and I was in
AWE! (shhh...I was trying to be cool!!!)...
They visited about an hour or so ~ we chatted & she took lots of pics of the shop & of the house ~ and even stopped to shoot a few pics of our girls (sheep) at the barn on their way out....
Not every day does this happen..especially in our little world.....and I have SUCKY luck, so for this to happen to me at all was some sort of divine intervention, I think! (or so my friend said LOL)
So you ready??? Here's a peek of her biz card (I hid her contact info)

NOW, where will this lead? I'm not sure...BUT I'm hoping
ONLY GOOD things!!!!!!!!!!
Crossing my fingers & hoping the past 10 years (6 of it in full time business) of learning & experimenting & busting our you-know-whats....working 7 days a week....late nites...wee hours...stress....will see a nod of acknowledgement....I can only HOPE!!