What a wonderful weekend!
Seeing old friends & new!
I have the best customers in the WORLD and sincerely thank each & every one of you!
For those that couldn't make it out, here's just a FEW peeks ~ you'll have to come out to get the full look! ;)
And starting this Wednesday 12/2 - 12/23 the shop will be open
Wed. - Sat. 10am-8pm!
(the shop will be open Christmas eve until 4pm)

I have the best customers in the WORLD and sincerely thank each & every one of you!
For those that couldn't make it out, here's just a FEW peeks ~ you'll have to come out to get the full look! ;)
And starting this Wednesday 12/2 - 12/23 the shop will be open
Wed. - Sat. 10am-8pm!
(the shop will be open Christmas eve until 4pm)