What is Halloween without this classic?! I love it!!
DH & I just got thru watching it tonite ~ me for the upteenth time, hubby for the first time (he had seen bits & pieces & listened to the soundtrack endlessly because of me though! LoL)
My best friend in college & I both were addicted to it! And, so much so, in fact, Halloween 1997, we went to a live performance of it ~ in which the audience participates! What fun! Of course, you have to "dress" a part! Here's a pic of me with David (we had only been dating about a month at the time of this pic ~ boy he didn't know what he was gettin' into, hehe!!). Can you tell the pastey white make-up & blood red lipstick? See my funky gold tiarra?! What you CAN'T see is the rest of the black tux jacket, black strech bellbottom pants & funky platform shoes! What a fun nite we had! And, no, David did NOT go with us ~ we couldn't convience hubby & my bf's boyfriend/now-hubby to go with us! Wonder whY?? LoL