Thursday, February 26, 2009

Coming soon!!

Our Spring Tyme in the Country open house will be the first weekend of Spring!!! Yippee!! March 21st & 22nd! So I'm busy here turning new pieces of pottery, sewing up a storm & packages are arriving with lots of wonderful spring tyme goodes!! Bunnies, bunnies & more bunnies too!!

Farm News ~ We had decided to let our "girls" take a break from lambing this year. We lost 2 of our momma girls this past summer & last spring's girls we felt would be too young to breed (though technically they could have been). So we were going to let our new girls grow a bit & give our older girls a break. Well, to mention, we had a ram lamb born last spring as well. Well, rams aren't supposed to be able to breed until they're 4 months of age, but we moved him over to the other pasture here at the shop with our other males. BUT apparently he was a little.....mature....for his age..Sooooo we have at least one momma due SOON. Now, I say one 1, David is certain at least 2 of them are. But, with sheep you don't know they're pregnant until they're ready to deliever! Sooo, we have one (Wildflower) who is about to POP!
What does all this mean? Well, looks like we'll be having lambs for spring!! All of our regular customers who love to stop at the barn & visit with the girls, hopefully they'll be a little one or two to visit if you come down for spring open house!!

And, YES, I promised to be better with pictures & such with this new computer. Would you believe I've NOW lost my memory card for my camera?! Ugh!! I was cleaning & put it in a real safe place, just temporarily...well, that place seems to be REALLY REALLY safe....
Soo as soon as I FIND it I'll be posting new pics of spring goodes, the shop transformation to spring, and babies when they're born!!
Until then.....


Olde Tyme Marketplace said...

I CANNOT WAIT to see those babies and take some pictures...hopefully my camera won't get stolen like last year with all the little lambs pic on it!

Pots 'n Prims said...

Oh I know! And the pics I took are on the missing memory card!!
BTW, for those reading this, B's camera did not get stolen here but out of her car at another place! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Chick~~
Just popping in to say HI!! Love your blog!! Hope that things are well for you!! Spring is coming!! LOL!! I can't wait!!

Many Blessings....

Anonymous said...

I think that I spelled popping wrong!! My BAD!! LOL!! Fast fingers here on the keyboard!! LOL!! Tee-Hee!!
