Saturday, October 10, 2009

BaT CaT!

Not a lot to post ~ or time to post, I guess I should say ~ these days as I'm feverishly working to get my winter handmades done! I have a 12 day show in November (this year it's 13 days) and our 7th annual Christmas in the Country Open House will be the weekend after we get done with this show! Yikes!

BUT since it's not even Halloween yet, I didn't want to get into all winter here, sooo in keeping with fall, here's a sweet pic of my kitty Boogie ~ aka Bat Cat! LoL
Hope it brings a smile to you today!


Farm Field Primitives said...

Good luck on your shows. I love Boogie!! What a neat name.

Olde Tyme Marketplace said...

Bat Cat is to darn cute! Love him!

Angie said...

love the kitty~best of luck to you at the show!

A Bit of Colour said...

Hey, I am just getting back to you. You wrote me about the buffalo check homespun. How much is it a yard. Thanks for letting me know.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

She is very cute. I usually call our cat, Jingles, Bad Cat, because she is always up to something. :) Have a happy day! Tammy