Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas at the Cabin & NEW shop goodes!

Well, I normally spend ALL of my energy decorating the shop & forget about the house...And, while I did bust my butt to get the shop all festive for the holiday season, I managed to have a bit of spirit left to do a little in the house too...LITTLE being the operative word, but "little" is better than NONE! LoL I just wanted a simple look this year...
So, starting at the front door, come on in...
I decided I wanted a REAL tree for the first time ever (well, since I was a little girl)...I LOVE it! And so far, the cats have been better with it than an artificial!?!
Just simple with lights & a few glass bulbs....
Next, is the mantle...again simple...And, of course, the letters look MUCH better than in the pic ~ they're much more dark & distressed...
The santa & the pillow set, both made by me, sit atop an old 1800's quilt & chippy old chair...
The angel (also made by me), and the star candle holder (Pa amish made), sit on a cupboard at the end of the hallway....
And, my dear friends from Bloemenbinder's made this wonderful purchase while I was part of their wonderful home show last weekend!

While the year is winding up & those are finishing up holiday shopping, I have added a few more goodes for those last minute shoppers! I've added lots of new sweet winter/snowman notepads ~ great stocking stuffers, coworker gifts, neighbors, etc....AND those little red & white pillows I made from the old quilt? Well, I FINALLY got the big ones done! So they're heading out to the shop in the morning! Along with a few more candles (wynter scents too!)!

AND, weather-permitting (tho I am REALLY hoping for this snow), Saturday will be "Sample Saturday"...There will be LOTS of samples of the food goodes for sale in the shop, and I will also have some pumpkin bread mini loaves for sale & hopefully a few more baked goods...again, if weather permits...if not, I will do Sample Day next week!


Anonymous said...

absolutely lovely :)

Angie said...

wonderful pics lisa~nothing like a real tree! your decorations look great! merry christmas to you!

Lee Hill Primitives said...

Hi, Wonderful handmades. Love the Santa and the angels, they are prim perfect.

The Cinnamon Stick said...

Plain and Simple is good...Love all the pictures of your home. I wish I could come for Sample Saturday!!

Tammy said...

Everything looks wonderful Lisa. Very simple, very prim. Wish I could use a real tree. Hope you and your family have a Wonderful CHRISTmas!!

Tina❀ said...

I'm finally taking time to look through post. I'm apologizing for being such a bad blogger buddy. LOL. Sorry *blush*.